Jim Slip - Kittina - Massage Madness


This week we have a true sex maniac who looks like "Butter wouldn't melt in her mouth" as grans are prone to saying. After leaving school Kittina held down a number of jobs until landing employment as a receptionist in the "Happy Endings Massage Emporium". She noticed all the groans and squelching noises coming out of the back rooms but being a little "Naive" presumed these noises were as a result of enthusiastic masseuses. Anyway after 10 months she got suspicious as the only clients were male and she confronted the owner, who confessed that the "Happy Endings Emporium" was not "Kosher". He then offered her a a job as a "Masseuse". She performed so well that her boss, a member of jimslip.com, said, "You are too good for a stinking, sleaze ridden hovel like this, you need to follow a new dream, you must pursue a career in hardcore porno ...

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